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Friday, 7 October 2022

Troubled by constipation? This desi recipe made from guava will clean the stomach as soon as you wake up in the morning, learn how to make it

 Troubled by constipation? This desi recipe made from guava will clean the stomach as soon as you wake up in the morning, learn how to make it

Guava soup benefits: 

Nowadays people's lifestyle has become very bad and people often complain of constipation due to less physical activity and not taking proper diet. You or someone in your family will definitely have a complaint of constipation. By the way, there are many types of syrups and medicines available to remove constipation, which work very effectively. But it has been seen that as long as these medicines are used, they work only and after a few days of stopping taking them, constipation starts again. But even today people use many such home remedies, with the help of which constipation can be got rid of for a long time. One of these is a special type of soup made from guava, with the help of which constipation will be removed as well as it also gives many other benefits to health. In this article, know the benefits of guava soup to relieve constipation and the right way to make it.

Guava soup for constipation

If you are also troubled by constipation and are tired of taking different medicines, then you should adopt this 100% indigenous and natural recipe once. It not only removes constipation, as well as the most important thing is that it does not cause any harm to health. In fact, dietary fiber is found in plenty in guava, as well as drinking it by making soup, it acts as a natural laxative, which eliminates constipation completely.

Other benefits of guava soup

Along with removing constipation, drinking guava soup provides many other health benefits, including -

Strengthen the Immune System - Guava contains many other nutrients, including vitamin C, which work to strengthen the body's immunity.

Accelerate the Digestive System - Guava is also very beneficial for speeding up the digestion process. The dietary fiber present in it accelerates digestion and many other stomach diseases are removed.

Lowers blood sugar – Guava is one of those fruits, which have properties that reduce blood sugar level. Diabetic patients should consume guava soup regularly.

Ingredients for Guava Soup

Although guava soup can be made with only guava and water, but other ingredients can also be added to make it more beneficial. Let us know what are the things needed to make Guava Soup -

one or two ripe guavas

one teaspoon cinnamon powder

a quarter ground black pepper

1 teaspoon fresh mint leaves

Black salt and sugar as per taste

How to make Guava Soup

Take a guava and remove its pulp and separate its seeds

Put two cups of water in a vessel and keep it on low flame

When the sound of water starts heating, then add the pulp of that guava

Keep stirring till it becomes slightly hot and then add cinnamon, black pepper and mint leaves to it

When this mixture starts boiling, add black salt and sugar to it and let it boil till it becomes thick.

Now take it off the flame and let it cool down. You can consume it slowly with a spoon of slightly warm soup. It is better to consume guava soup in the evening, which helps in clearing the stomach in the morning.

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