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Friday, 7 October 2022

Excess intake of vitamin C can be the cause of kidney stone, know how much vitamin C to take in a day is right

 Excess intake of vitamin C can be the cause of kidney stone, know how much vitamin C to take in a day is right

Vitamin C and kidney stones (kidney stones)

Kidney stones or kidney stones are a common problem that affects most of the people. According to various studies, men are more prone to kidney stones than women. Sometimes wrong eating habits increase the chances of getting kidney stones. Especially people who are taking vitamin C supplements regularly for various reasons have an increased risk of kidney stone formation. According to experts, high doses of vitamin C are even more harmful for people who have a family history of kidney stones.

The connection between an overdose of vitamin C and kidney stones

According to a report by, regularly taking high doses (500 mg or more) of vitamin C supplements has been shown to increase the risk of kidney stones in people. This proves to be completely true for people who have pre-existing stone problems or who have a family history of kidney stones. Vitamin C may be linked to kidney stones because a significant amount of vitamin C taken in excess is converted into oxalate in the body. In such a situation, large amounts of oxalate will be present in the urine, where it can combine with calcium to form calcium oxalate stones. 

Research has been done on kidney stone and vitamin C

According to Harvard Health, a research on vitamin C and kidney stones has been published in JAMA Internal Medicine. In which Swedish scientists reported an association between kidney stone formation and the use of vitamin C supplements among 23,000 men. About 2% of the men in the 11-year study who developed kidney stones, especially those who took vitamin C supplements, were twice as likely to experience kidney stone pain. 

How much vitamin C should be taken in a day?

According to the Mayo Clinic, an adult male is recommended to get 90 mg of vitamin C per night, while women need 75 mg of vitamin C. However, during pregnancy, women are advised to take at least 120 mg per day. If we talk about its overdose, then any adult who takes more than 2000 mg of vitamin C in 1 day, then its side effects can also be seen in them

Who Needs a Vitamin C Supplement?

If you regularly include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet, then you do not need to take a separate vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C supplementation is especially recommended for people who are deficient in vitamin C or who are suffering from a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency.

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