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Thursday, 29 September 2022

Apply desi ghee in the navel before sleeping at night, will cure constipation from the root, there will be many benefits to health

 Apply desi ghee in the navel before sleeping at night, will cure constipation from the root, there will be many benefits to health

Benefits of applying desi ghee in the navel before sleeping at night

Ghee in Belly Button: You probably know the benefits of massaging by putting coconut oil in the navel (Nabhi me nariyal tel lagane ke interactions), mustard oil etc., but do you ever know the benefits of applying ghee in nabhi? Have you heard or read about )? Yes, to stay healthy and want to avoid minor physical problems, then apply ghee in the navel and start sleeping at night. Applying Ghee in Navel can be beneficial for those people who often have the problem of constipation. Applying oil to the navel detoxifies the body. The skin is healthy, glowing. In addition, the navel absorbs oil more quickly. The right way to apply oil or ghee in the navel is to put a few drops of oil or ghee in the navel. Now massage in circular motion for 5-10 minutes. Women who have more cramps during periods, They must also try this process (Nabhi me desi ghee lagane ke interactions). Let us know which physical problems you can get rid of (importance of oiling belly button) by applying ghee in the navel and sleeping at night.

Constipation is removed by applying ghee in the navel

If the problem of constipation always bothers you, then before sleeping at night, sleep with ghee in the navel. By doing this one can get rid of constipation. Also, when you leave ghee in the navel, it gets absorbed inside the body through the navel overnight, which can remove many stomach problems from the root

Knee pain disappears by applying ghee in the navel

If you have knee pain, swelling problem, then massage the navel with ghee. You can also massage with mustard oil to relieve knee pain. Along with this, compressing also provides relief in pain. Ghee has pain relieving properties. If you feel pain anywhere in the body, then massage the navel with ghee.

By applying ghee in the navel, the lips become soft.

If your lips are more dry, cracked, crusty forms on it, then you can apply ghee on the lips as well as the navel. By doing this the moisture of the lips remains intact. Ghee moisturizes the skin and makes it healthy and glowing.

Applying ghee in the navel reduces hair fall

Most of the people's hair starts breaking a lot during the rainy season. If this problem is bothering you too, then sleep with ghee in the navel at night. Hair can fall due to many reasons. You may not be taking proper hair care, balanced diet. For a few days, you can try applying ghee to the naval, maybe with this home remedy, the hair stagnation will be reduced. Whenever ghee is applied to the navel, make it lukewarm. Put 5-7 drops in the navel and massage gently. If ghee is applied around the navel, it will be beneficial.

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