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Friday, 7 October 2022

Eating fruits with salt and sugar

 Eating fruits with salt and sugar

Eating fruits with salt and sugar: 

Sprinkle salt on slices of red-succulent watermelon increases its sweetness, while sprinkling sugar on melons is especially liked by children. Whether it is raw mango or guava, eating it with salt-pepper and chaat masala greatly increases its shame. At the same time, in addition to salt and sugar, things like honey and cream are also added when making fruit salad. But, have you thought whether eating fruits with salt or sugar in this way has any effect on health? Actually, according to experts, eating chopped fruits in this way by adding salt, sugar or chaat masala can cause harm but not health benefits. Let's know why experts said so and how eating salt or sugar with fruits can harm health. 

What happens if you eat fruits with salt?

Experts say that when salt is sprinkled on fruits, it softens the fruits and water starts leaking out of them. This can quickly spoil the fruit. At the same time, it can also cause some damage to health like-

Spraying salt on fruits destroys their nutrients.

The sodium present in salt damages the kidneys.

Salt can cause bloating.

Disadvantages of eating by sprinkling sugar on fruits

Since fruits contain natural sugar, therefore, when they are consumed with sugar, the calorie-content in fruits increases which is harmful for health.

Eating fruits with sugar is harmful for diabetic patients.

This can lead to obesity and belly fat.

Cavities and decay may increase in the teeth. Due to which, toothache and other problems can increase.

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