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Saturday, 8 October 2022

If there is irritation in the soles before sleeping, then do these 5 things, you will get relief immediately

 If there is irritation in the soles before sleeping, then do these 5 things, you will get relief immediately

Home Remedies For Burning Sensation In Feet While Sleeping

Many people have a burning sensation in the feet while sleeping before sleeping. In fact, it can be due to health conditions like lack of water, increased body heat, high blood pressure, poor blood circulation and increased uric acid. In such a situation, many times you do not sleep and do not understand what to do, so that you can get instant relief and you can sleep comfortably. In such a situation, some of these home remedies can work effectively for you.

1. Sleeping With Legs Up The Wall

Sleeping with your feet against the wall is like a yoga. This has two benefits, firstly, the increased BP in the legs is reduced, which reduces pain and burning. So, secondly sleeping in this way improves your blood circulation. Because of this, this method can help in reducing the burning sensation in your soles. So, if you have this problem while sleeping, then try sleeping in this way.

2. Keep feet in cold water for 15 minutes - Soaking Legs In Cold Water Benefits

Soak your feet in cold water for at least 15 minutes. This will give you instant relief. Actually, many times due to lack of water in the body or say that due to increased body heat, your soles can burn. In such a situation, you can feel relief immediately by sleeping with your feet in cold water.

3. Soak Feet in Apple Cider Vinegar - Soak Legs In Apple Cider Vinegar

Soaking the feet in warm water mixed with apple cider vinegar provides relief from burning sensation in the feet. Actually, it first opens the skin pores of your soles and then provides relief from pain and swelling. After this, it corrects the blood circulation, which reduces the burning sensation. So, if this problem bothers you, then soak your feet in apple cider vinegar and sleep peacefully.

4. Apply Peppermint Oil on Soles - Peppermint Oil For Burning Feet

Applying peppermint oil on the soles can make you feel very comfortable. Actually, this method has always been effective and it makes you feel comfortable. Peppermint oil is cooling, which relaxes the nerves and reduces irritation. Along with this, you also get sleep soon.

5. Foot Massage With Eucalyptus Oil

Massaging the feet with eucalyptus oil is an effective way to relieve burning and pain in the feet. This method works very fast. Eucalyptus oil is cooling, as well as it is also anti-inflammatory, which means that it can provide immediate relief from pain. Apart from this, it can relax the nerves, which makes you feel less burning

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