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Saturday, 3 September 2022

Follow these tips to wear a suit without a tie, you will get smart and best look

 Follow these tips to wear a suit without a tie, you will get smart and best look

Wearing suits has become a common trend among men these days. Especially to get the best look on a particular occasion, most of the men give attention to the suit not only in winter but also in the rest of the season. At the same time, the contrast tie from the suit adds to your look. Although some people do not like to wear a tie. In such a situation, if you want to wear a suit without tie, then you can carry a smart look by keeping some easy tips in mind. Actually the tie is considered an essential part of the set of the suit. On the other hand, wearing a suit without a tie often makes people's look faded. But if you want, you can look best in a suit even without a tie. So let us tell you the tips to get the perfect look in a suit without a tie.

focus on the fitness of the shirt

By the way, people usually wear suits after getting them fitted. But if there is no tie, it becomes necessary to focus on the fitting of the shirt. Wearing a loose shirt without a tie can spoil your look. Therefore, it is better to choose a tight shirt with a suit.

Pay attention to the collar and buttons

When wearing a suit without a tie, avoid wearing a shirt with a large and short collar. Also avoid wearing horizontal collars. On the other hand, wearing a V neck shirt with a suit can be a good option for you. Apart from this, keep the top two buttons of the shirt open if there is no tie.

Shoe and watch selection

Without a tie, you can make shoes and a watch the focal point of your look. With this, instead of going to the tie, all the attention of the people will be on your shoes and watch. For this, wear shoes with matching color combination from the suit by shining them well. Also, do not forget to carry a leather or metal watch and belt.

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