The Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana was launched on 28 August 2014 by Prime Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi. Under this scheme, accounts of the country's poor can be opened at zero balance in banks, post offices and national banks. The main objective of the scheme is to ensure that people from weaker sections and low income groups can also access financial services at the national level. Through PMJDY, individuals can access services such as banking, savings and deposit account, finance, pension, and the like.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)
Post Name Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)
Country India
Department Ministry of Finance Goverment of India
Benefit people from weaker sections and low income groups
Helpline Number 1800 2333 1000
Official Web Site
A person can open his account in any bank with zero balance. But if the account holder needs a checkbook, he has to keep the balance as per the rule.
Who can open an account in Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana?
Must be a citizen of India
Minors above 10 years of age are also eligible to open an account under this scheme. But accounts for minors are managed by parents.
People who have a savings account can join the scheme by transferring their balance PMJD.
How to open a new account
If you want to open a new Jandhan account, you can easily do this by going to the nearest bank. For this you have to fill a form in the bank. It will have to disclose the name, phone number, name of the bank branch, address of the applicant, nominee, number of dependents along with occupation and employment, SSA code, village code and city code.
How to convert the old account to Jandhan account
If you have an old bank account, it is easy to change it to Jandhan account. For this you have to go to the bank branch and apply for the Rupee card. Your bank account will be transferred to Jandhan Yojana as soon as a form is filled.
Documents required for PMJD
Aadhar card
Driving license
PAN card
Election card
NREGA Job Card
Authority letter, containing name, address and Aadhaar number
Attached letter with photo issued by the Gazetted Officer
Benefits of Jan dhan Account
Overdraft facility after 6 months.
Accidental insurance cover up to Rs 2 lakh.
Life cover up to Rs. 30,000 which is available on the death of the beneficiary on fulfillment of eligibility conditions.
Interest is earned on the deposit.
Free mobile banking facility is provided with the account.
A debit card is issued to the Jandhan account holder in the form of which he can withdraw money or even make a purchase.
It is easy to buy insurance, pension products with the help of Jandhan account.
If there is a Jandhan account, then an account can be opened for pension in schemes like PM Kisan and Shramyogi Mandhan.
Rupee transfer facility will be available across the country.
The benefit of the government scheme will go directly into the account.
Beneficiaries of Jandhan Yojana are now being given the facility of overdraft of Rs 10,000 from the account. In addition, Jandhan Yojana account holders also get accident insurance and life insurance facility. If you already have a savings account in a bank, then you can transfer it under Jandhan Yojana even without opening a separate account. For this you have to contact any bank.
Important Link :
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