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Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Railway Protection Force (RPF) Recruitment 2018 For 8619 Posts

Railway Protection Force (RPF) Recruitment 2018 For 8619 Posts

The expression day job is often used for a job one works in order to make ends meet while performing low-paying (or non-paying) work in their preferred . Archetypal examples of this are the woman who works as a waitress (her day job) while she tries to become an , and the  who works as a  in the off season because he is currently only able to make the roster of a  team.

While many people do hold a full-time occupation, "day job" specifically refers to those who hold the position solely to pay living expenses so they can pursue, through low paying entry work, the job they really want (which may also be during the day). The phrase strongly implies that the day job would be quit, if only the real vocation paid a living wage.

The phrase "don't quit your day job" is a humorous response to a poor or mediocre performance not up to professional caliber. The phrase implies that the performer is not talented enough in that activity to be able to make a career out of it.
Getting a first job is an important  in many The youth may start by doing or working for a . In many countries, school children get summer jobs during the longer . Students enrolled in  can apply for  or  to further enhance the probability of securing an  upon graduation.

 summarize a person's education and job experience for potential . Employers read job candidate résumés to decide whom to  for an open position.
Workers often talk of "getting a job", or "having a job". This  of a "job" as a possession has led to its use in slogans such as "money for jobs, not bombs". Similar conceptions are that of "land" as a possessio as a possession.

Occupation and life expectancy

Manual work seems to shorten one's lifespan. High rank (a higher position at the pecking order) has a positive effect. Professions that cause anxiety have a direct negative impact on health and lifespan. Some data is more complex to interpret due to the various reasons of long life expectancy; thus skilled professionals, employees with secure jobs and low anxiety occupants may live a long life for variant reasons. The more positive characteristics one's job is, the more likely he or she will have a longer lifespan Gender, country, and actual (what statistics reveal, not what people believe) danger are also notable parameters.

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